Vacancy for ETRL director

Are you ready to lead a team of professionals in the field of histocompatibility and organ allocation? Do you have a PhD in immunology, extensive knowledge of the HLA system, and a track record in research? Are you skilled in high-precision diagnostics and adept at problem-solving? If this sounds like the challenge you’re looking for, then we look forward to meeting you. Please visit the LUMC jobs website for more information.

Extramural meeting 15-03-2023

On Friday 15th of March 2024 the annual extra mural meeting 2024 will be held in Munich, Germany. Topics that will be covered are external proficiency testing, experiences with virtual crossmatching, feasibility of retrospective recipient center crossmatches, and a scientific lecture on xenotransplantation.

Please contact the ETRL with any questions regarding the extramural meeting.

Vacancy at the ETRL

The Eurotransplant Reference Laboratory (ETRL) is seeking a new colleague to join our enthusiastic team at Leiden University Medical Center. Are you a motivated HLO graduate with a passion for immunology and an interest in organ allocation? If so, we would love to meet you! Please visit the LUMC jobs website.

ETRL winter Newsletter published

The 2023 winte Newsletter has been published and contains information on some personnel changes within the ETRL, as well as the preliminary program of the 2024 extramural meeting, which will be held in Munich, Germany. As usual at the end of the year, also the dates for the EPT shipments of next year are announced. We hope you enjoy reading.

ETRL spring Newsletter published

The 2023 spring Newsletter has been published and contains information on the virtual crossmatch, the use of HLA-DQA, DPB and DPA unacceptable antigens for AM eligibility, and an announcement of the ET desensitization program. We hope you enjoy reading.

Extramural meeting 10-03-2023

On Friday 10th of March 2023 the annual extra mural meeting 2023 will be held in Mechelen, Belgium. Topics that will be covered are external proficiency testing, virtual crossmatching, CDC screening, and a scientific lecture on post-transplant rejection diagnostics.

Please contact the ETRL with any questions regarding the extramural meeting.

New ETRL calculators

Along with the introduction of the virtual crossmatch, the ETRL releases new calculators for calculating the vPRA and chance on a donor within the various ET allocation schemes. These calculators are based on the ETRL reference panel 4.0 and allow entry of data on the allele level, as well as the broad and split antigen level for 11 loci.

These calculator are also incorporated into the ENISnext, allowing for accurate reflection on transplantability based on immunology.

Introduction of the virtual crossmatch

As per January 24, 2023 the virtual donor center crossmatch will be in effect in Eurotransplant. For all current information on the virtual crossmatch, please refer to the Eurotransplant membersite. The new HLA tables can be found here.

For questions regarding the virtual crossmatch, please contact the virtual crossmatch team directly on virtual-crossmatch(AT)

ETRL winter Newsletter published

The 2022 winter Newsletter has been published and contains practical information on the virtual crossmatch. Additionally, the new dates for the ETRL EPT exercises have been set. Finally, the date of the Extramural meeting has changed. Please find the new date, as well as the preliminary program and practical information in this Newsletter.