ETRL calculators

The ETRL has developed several calculators to be used by professionals working in HLA Laboratories and other HLA specialists to:

  • define the percentage virtual Panel Reactive Antibodies (vPRA) within the Eurotransplant donor population.
  • determine the chance of a patient to receive an offer of an ABO identical transplant within Eurotransplant.
  • determine the chance of a patient to receive an offer of an ABO compatible transplant within Eurotransplant.
  • determine the chance of a patient to receive an offer of an ABO modified compatible transplant within Eurotransplant.
  • determine the chance of a highly sensitized patient to receive an offer of a compatible renal transplant when included in the Eurotransplant Acceptable Mismatch program.

These calculators are based on ETRL reference database v4.0, which contains HLA data of 10.000 individuals from within the Eurotransplant area, obtained from genotype frequencies provided by the DKMS. It is possible to perform batch analyses online, as well as integrating these calculations in a local laboratory system using our webservice.

Additionally, we offer an online haplotype generator to be used for research purposes.